2020 Gala Volunteer Opportunities!


While we’re all stuck at home for a while longer, finding creative ways to enjoy quarantine, we want to give you something to look forward to…

On the evening of Friday, October 23, 2020, let’s all get together for a great cause, shall we?

Even though the Coronavirus Pandemic is impacting our lives in significant ways, the staff, board, and volunteers at the Who Is Carter Foundation are still ramping up plans for this year’s Gala, and we’d love for you to join us!

There are a few key volunteer roles that you can fill, and the great news is, you can fulfill these roles from the safety of your home.

  • Auction Committee: Acquire and package Live and Silent Auction Items

  • Table Captain: Start inviting guests to join you at your table of 10 on October 23

  • Table Captain Committee: Support Table Captains with the materials, information, and reminders they need to give their guests a great experience at the Gala

  • Sponsor Committee: Invite companies and organizations to pledge their Sponsorship of this year’s Gala

  • Decor Committee: Work with the event planner to design, source, and assemble table centerpieces and other decor

Interested in helping with one of these roles? Questions? Reach out to Allison Murray: allison@whoiscarter.org.

Emily Abbott1 Comment