The Brain Possible's Practitioner Registry
One of the unique features available to families who use The Brain Possible is its Practitioner Registry--a searchable catalog of practitioners who treat children using complementary and alternative modalities. We need your help to build the Registry!
You see, families sometimes have a hard time finding these practitioners—often because they are working so hard to treat patients in need, so they don't have time to advertise their services. We are working to bridge this gap—to connect families with the practitioners who can join a child’s health team.
You can help bridge this gap, too. Do you know a practitioner who works with children in a complementary health field? A nutritionist, speech therapist, or music therapist, for example? Send them this link and invite them to join the Registry today: Or introduce them to Emily Abbott, Executive Director of The Brain Possible:
Thanks for connecting children in need with the practitioners who can help them!
Photo Credit: Dr. Brandi Benson, Align Chiropractic